Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Death Penalty

I think that the death penalty should be used depending on the persons criminal backround, this could be including previous counts etc. This should be because the death penalty is an extreme result of a crime and should be carefully and logically determined. The amount of money it takes to keep a prisoner in jail for 1 year is 22,6000 and the amount of money spent on one inmate for a period of 11 months is extreme as well. This money can be used for funding such as schools, which is a much lower price rang. This is unfair because those who are responsible and wish to go somewhere in life should be benefited and schools should be given enough money to supply the students with proper learning, rather than paying for those who committed a crime. And average cost per student is 9,800, thats a 12,800 difference! Money should be more focused on education and those who have no commited a crime, instead of providing all these criminals with food and shelter giving them a "luxery life" because there neciessitys in life are handed to them. Workers have to pay a federal tax, which supports those who are poor providing food stamps etc. and helps provide shelter and necessities for criminals. Our money that we work for should not go to those who commit a crime, its unjust and unfair to those who work hard. Instead our money should benift ourselves and non-criminals in our society.

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