Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinment

I would draft a law for solitary confinement, saying that you need proof and based upon what the criminal is being put in there for. Criminals should be put into confinement if they are seen as a major threat or could possibly do harm. Officials should not have the right to put someone in confinement just based on suspection. There should be a legit reason for them to be sent to confinement. Depending on the severity f the situation should also determine there amount of time an inmate spends there.

There should not be a limit of time because bad actions could add up time, which is the only way the prisoner will learn. With confinement, the isolation teaches them self reflection and to learn from there mistakes, there extra time such as showers and fitness is controlled, as should remain this way. Meaning they have have no power at all and work based on a given schedule. The prisoner should seek this as having no freedom what so ever and therefore will better themselves to gain more freedom within confinement. There should be a law that allows prisoners into confinement only with plausible reasoning and proof. I would give Prison officals "free hand' because they can ultimatly control the prisioners, and without there freedom and being controled, they will learn that acting out towards officals or commiting bad actions will suffer consequences. I would challenege solitary confinment in court because it should be determines based on reasoning for entering jail and criminal recored should be looked at when scentecing. This being because based on the reasoning for being sent, if there actually a threat or bad enough to be spent there, and based on there desgression would determine there time spent in confinment. Confinment should be carefully watched and officals should work accrodingly. Criminals scentence to confinment should be based on a good reasoning and based on criminal backround weather its a debatable issue. Meaning is it in there nature, will they ever learn? and is solitary confinement the way out.

Solitary confionment can overall be used to teach them lesson, how good behavior will get you more rights and freedom. Based on convinction good behavior can result in more rights. Solitary confinment can inforce the expected use of good behavior of the prioners, if not they will learn based on reflection and better there beahvior and themselves overall.

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